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Version: 0.3.0

Troubleshooting Guide


This guide describes a few troubleshooting scenarios that you could face during installing and configuring KubeSlice.

Installation Issues

Why did the download of the KubeSlice Cert Manager fail?

During the installation of the KubeSlice cert-manager, if you get the following error message.

failed to download "kubeslice/cert-manager" (hint: running helm repo update may help)

Check the helm version. If the helm version is older than version 3.7.0, then you cannot download the kubeslice/cert-manager. Upgrade the helm version to 3.7.0 to successfully install the cert-manager.

Why do I face installation issues while installing KubeSlice on kind clusters on Ubuntu OS?

On Ubuntu OS, if you have too many files open and try installing KubeSlice on kind clusters, then you face issues.

You must increase the ulimit to 2048 or unlimited and try installing KubeSlice on kind clusters. If you still face issues, see errors due to too many open files.

Why do I get an error during a helm upgrade of the KubeSlice Controller?


Currently, you can only upgrade to a software patch version that does not contain schema changes. You cannot upgrade to a software patch/complete version that contains schema changes.

When you try to upgrade the controller using the helm upgrade command, during which, if the worker operator pod is down, you get the following error related to a mutating webhook.

Patch Deployment "kubeslice-controller-manager" in namespace kubeslice-controller
error updating the resource "kubeslice-controller-manager":
cannot patch "kubeslice-controller-manager" with kind Deployment: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "https://kubeslice-webhook-service.kubeslice-system.svc:443/mutate-appsv1-deploy?timeout=10s": no endpoints available for service "kubeslice-webhook-service"
Looks like there are no changes for Deployment "kubernetes-dashboard"
Looks like there are no changes for Deployment "dashboard-metrics-scraper"
Patch Certificate "kubeslice-controller-serving-cert" in namespace kubeslice-controller
Patch Issuer "kubeslice-controller-selfsigned-issuer" in namespace kubeslice-controller
Patch MutatingWebhookConfiguration "kubeslice-controller-mutating-webhook-configuration" in namespace
Patch ValidatingWebhookConfiguration "kubeslice-controller-validating-webhook-configuration" in namespace
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "kubeslice-controller-manager" with kind Deployment: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "https://kubeslice-webhook-service.kubeslice-system.svc:443/mutate-appsv1-deploy?timeout=10s": no endpoints available for service "kubeslice-webhook-service"

To resolve this error, manually delete the mutating webhook configuration as described below:

  1. Get the name of the MutatingWebhookConfiguration webhook using the following command:

    kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfiguration

    Expected Output

    NAME                                                  WEBHOOKS   AGE
    cdi-api-datavolume-mutate 1 16d
    cert-manager-webhook 1 31d
    istio-sidecar-injector 4 15d
    kubeslice-controller-mutating-webhook-configuration 7 30d
    kubeslice-mutating-webhook-configuration 1 29d
    longhorn-webhook-mutator 1 17d
    nsm-admission-webhook-cfg 1 29d
    virt-api-mutator 4 18d

    Note down the name of the MutatingWebhookConfiguration webhook, which is kubeslice-mutating-webhook-configuration in the above output.

  2. Delete the MutatingWebhookConfiguration using the following command:

    kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration kubeslice-mutating-webhook-configuration

Connectivity Issues

Why is my registered cluster not connected to the KubeSlice Controller?

There could be an issue during the installation of the Slice Operator on the registered cluster. Try these steps:

  1. Switch context to the registered cluster on which you are facing connectivity issues using the following command:

    kubectx <cluster name>
  2. Validate the installation of the Slice Operator by checking the pods belonging to the namespace kubeslice-controller-systemusing the following command (from the output, check the status of the pods):

    kubectl get pods -n kubeslice-controller-system
  3. If the connection issue still persists, check if the KubeSlice Controller endpoint and token in the cluster are correct in the Slice Operator YAML configuration file that is applied in that registered cluster. To know about the configuration, see the Slice Operator YAML file. file.

Registering clusters with the same name does not throw an error.

Each instance of the cluster is registered separately as two different clusters and Kubernetes ignores duplication of the cluster's name.

It is best to avoid the duplication of the clusters names as Kubernetes inherently ignores the duplication of cluster names.

The KubeSlice Controller was successfully installed with a controller endpoint that is not reachable by a slice.

Check if the controller endpoint is correct during the installation of the Slice Operator on the worker cluster. Check if the controller cluster's secret token and ca-cert installed on the worker cluster is correct. To know more, see Getting the Secrets of the Registered Cluster.

Node IP address on the registered cluster was changed but the KubeSlice components were not cleaned up.

When the Node IP address is changed on a registered cluster, then a manual clean-up is required for the worker cluster configuration to use the updated IP. So, we recommend not to change the Node IP manually when it is already configured or add an invalid Node IP address.

While registering a cluster, the Node IP is configured by pulling the value from the cluster.

A cluster registration failed with a correct cluster.yaml file.

The registration fails when a cluster.yaml file is applied to register more than one clusters.

Ensure that acluster.yamlfile is applied to only one cluster and not multiple clusters.

Cluster Issues

The error/warning states that the CRD object is stuck.

  1. Patch an empty finalizer with the failing object CRD warning as shown in this example.

    ( is a failing CRD object in this example.)

    kubectl patch crd/ -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge
  2. Uninstall and reinstall the KubeSlice Controller.

The error states that the project namespace is stuck.

  1. Delete the stuck namespace by running the following command:

    kubectl patch ns/<stuck-namespace> -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge
  2. Uninstall and reinstall the KubeSlice Controller.

Onboarded Application Namespace Issues

NSM containers are not injected in pods during deployments in the application namespace.

If NSM containers are not injected in pods during deployments in the application namespace, then check if that application namespace contains the KubeSlice label. If the label is not there, wait for the Slice Operator to label the namespace.

For example, run the following command to check the label:

kubectl describe ns iperf

In the command output below, is the KubeSlice label.

Name:          iperf
Annotations: <none>
Status: Active

No resource quota.

No LimitRange resource.

In the command output, the iperf namespace contains the label. This means that the namespace is already onboarded to the blue slice.