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Version: 0.6.0

Install KubeSlice

This topic describes the steps to install the KubeSlice Controller and register a worker cluster in your existing multi-cluster configuration.

Install KubeSlice in a Multi-Cluster Configuration

Install KubeSlice using the cluster descriptions that you provide in a custom topology file. The KubeSlice Controller and worker components can be installed incrementally (one cluster at a time) or across all clusters in your topology, depending on your needs.

For demonstration purposes, to set up a three-cluster topology of kind clusters in your local environment, use the —profile <minimal-demo | full-demo> option instead of the —config option.

Install the KubeSlice Controller and Register Worker Clusters

You must create a custom topology file that includes the names of the clusters, the project name, and the cluster contexts that host the KubeSlice Controller and the worker clusters. For more information, see sample topology configuration file.

Use the following command to install the KubeSlice Controller and register worker cluster(s):

kubeslice-cli --config=<path-to-custom-topology-file> install

The above command installs the KubeSlice Controller, creates a project, and registers the worker cluster with the project by installing the Slice Operator on the worker cluster.

Create a Slice

After installing the KubeSlice Controller and registering workers with it, you can connect worker clusters by creating a slice. Create a slice using the kubeslice-cli utility. For more information, see demo using cloud clusters.

Register a New Worker Cluster

The kubeslice-cli allows you to add a new worker cluster to an existing KubeSlice configuration. Add new worker cluster information under workers list in the custom topology file that was used to install KubeSlice earlier and using the install command, register the new worker cluster with the KubeSlice Controller. For more information, see demo using cloud clusters.


If the KubeSlice Controller is already installed, the -s controller option skips installing it. The -s kind option skips creating a new kind cluster. The -s enterprise option skips using enterprise installation, while the -s demo option skips creating a demo set up.

In a demo setup, use the following command to register a new worker cluster with the KubeSlice Controller:

kubeslice-cli install --config=<custom-topology-file> -s kind -s controller -s enterprise -s demo

In an existing multi-cluster configuration, use the following command to register a new worker cluster with the KubeSlice Controller:

kubeslice-cli install --config=<custom-topology-file> -s controller