Uninstall KubeSlice
This topic describes how to uninstall KubeSlice. Follow these steps to uninstall the KubeSlice Controller:
- Delete the ServiceExport for each application
- Offboard all namespaces from the slice
- Delete a slice
- Uninstall Slice operator
- Deregister the worker cluster
- Delete a project
- Uninstall the KubeSlice Controller
Delete ServiceExports
If a ServiceExport was created in the application namespace, it must be deleted first.
Deleting the ServiceExport removes the corresponding ServiceImport automatically on all the clusters of the slice.
The below variables are required to delete the service export.
Variables | Description |
<cluster name> | The name of the cluster the application is deployed on. |
<service export name> | The name of the service export that you want to delete. |
<namespace> | The namespace the application is deployed on. |
Switch the contexts to the cluster you deployed the application on:
kubectx <cluster name>
Use the following command to delete the ServiceExport from the cluster:
kubectl delete serviceexport <serviceexport name> -n <application namespace>
Offboard Application Namespaces
To offboard the namespace from a slice, delete the namespace
and the associated
under the applicationNamespaces
in the slice configuration file as
illustrated below.
- namespace: iperf
- '*'
- namespace: bookinfo
- '*'
For example, in the above slice configuration YAML file, if you want to offboard the
BookInfo namespace from all clusters, edit the slice configuration YAML file and remove it
from applicationNamespaces
as illustrated below.
- namespace: iperf
- '*'
To delete a slice, you must remove all the namespaces and the corresponding clusters. So, edit the slice configuration YAML file to remove them. After you remove the namespaces and the corresponding clusters, the application namespace configuration looks as illustrated below.
Apply the slice configuration YAML to update the offboarded namespaces.
kubectl apply -f <slice configuration>.yaml -n <project namespace>
You have successfully offboarded the namespaces from the slice.
Delete Slices
This step must be completed before uninstalling the Slice Operator. Failing to do so can result in slices and resources not being cleaned up properly.
Switch the context to the controller cluster using the following command:
kubectx <cluster name>
To delete an individual slice, use the following command:
kubectl delete sliceconfig <slice-name> -n kubeslice-<project-name>
To delete all the slices, use the following command:
kubectl delete sliceconfig --all -n kubeslice-<project-name>
You have successfully deleted the slice(s).
Uninstall the Slice Operator
You must remove the cluster from all the slices it is connected to before uninstalling the Slice Operator in the worker cluster. Failing to do so can result in slices and resources not being cleaned up properly.
After removing a cluster from all the slices, you can uninstall the Slice Operator in the worker cluster.
Switch the context to the worker cluster using the following command:
kubectx <cluster name>
Uninstall the Slice Operator using the following command:
helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME] -n kubeslice-system
Delete Slice Operator CRDs
Delete the CRDs of the Slice Operator using the following commands:
kubectl delete crd serviceexports.networking.kubeslice.io
kubectl delete crd serviceimports.networking.kubeslice.io
kubectl delete crd slices.networking.kubeslice.io
kubectl delete crd slicegateways.networking.kubeslice.io
kubectl delete crd sliceresourcequotas.networking.kubeslice.io
kubectl delete crd slicerolebindings.networking.kubeslice.io
kubectl delete crd slicenodeaffinities.networking.kubeslice.io
Delete kubeslice-system Namespace
Delete the kubeslice-system
namespace using the following command:
kubectl delete ns kubeslice-system
You have now uninstalled the Slice Operator from your registered cluster.
Deregister Worker Clusters
After uninstalling the Slice Operator successfully, deregister your worker cluster from the KubeSlice Controller.
Switch the context to the KubeSlice Controller cluster.
kubectx <cluster name>
Deregister a worker cluster using the following command:
kubectl delete clusters <cluster-name> -n kubeslice-<project-name>
To deregister all worker clusters, use the following command:
kubectl delete clusters --all -n kubeslice-<project-name>
You have now successfully deregistered the cluster from the KubeSlice Controller.
Delete a Project
Before deleting a project, ensure all namespaces have been offboarded and the slice has been deleted.
Delete a project after deregistering the worker cluster. The service account, namespaces, clusters, secrets, certificates, and tokens are all deleted when the project is deleted from the KubeSlice Controller.
Use the following command to delete the project:
kubeslice-cli delete project <project-name> -n <controller-namespace>
Uninstall the KubeSlice Controller
Uninstall the KubeSlice Controller
Uninstall the KubeSlice Controller using the following command:
helm uninstall kubeslice-controller -n kubeslice-controller
Delete the kubeslice-controller Namespace
Delete the kubeslice-controller
namespace using the following command:
kubectl delete ns kubeslice-controller
Delete the Certificate Manager
Delete the Certificate Manager using the following command:
helm uninstall cert-manager -n cert-manager
Delete the Certificate Manager Namespace
Delete the namespace cert-manager
using the following command:
kubectl delete ns cert-manager
All set! KubeSlice Controller has been uninstalled from your cluster.