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Version: 1.4.0

Label KubeSlice Gateway Nodes

Labeling your gateway nodes on the worker cluster is required to ensure proper management of scheduling rules for nodes and enabling node gateway to gateway network communication.

We recommend using a dedicated node pool for your gateway components.

However, if your worker cluster contains only one node pool, follow the instructions below to label worker node pools.

Additionally, we recommend using a dedicated node pool for your gateway components and following the instructions for labeling accordingly.

Perform these steps in each worker cluster that you want to register with the KubeSlice Controller.

Azure Kubernetes Service

AKS nodepools can only be set during nodepool creation. The nodepool must contain the label. For instructions on creating a labeled nodepool, see AKS documentation.

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service

Nodepools are called node groups in EKS clusters. You can add or remove the Kubernetes labels by editing a node group configuration as described in updating managed node groups. Add the label to the EKS node groups.

Google Kubernetes Engine

The following information is required to label the GKE cluster nodepools.

<nodepool name>The name of the nodepool being labeled.
<cluster name>The name of the cluster the nodepool being labeled belongs to.
<region>The Compute Engine region for the cluster the nodepool belongs to.
<zone>The Compute Engine zone for the cluster the nodepool belongs to.

The following command labels the GKE cluster nodepool:

gcloud container node-pools update <nodepool name> \ \
--cluster=<cluster name> \
[--region=<region> | --zone=<zone>]

Other Kubernetes Cloud Clusters

Ensure that the nodepools on the Kubernetes clusters are labeled with

Verify Your Labels

To verify the labels of your cluster, perform the following steps on each worker cluster that you wish to register with the KubeSlice Controller.

  1. To verify the label, switch to the context of the cluster that you want to verify.

    kubectx <cluster name>
  2. Run the following command to get all nodes with the label.

    kubectl get no -l
  3. If you successfully set your labels, you get a list of the labeled nodes in the cluster.