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Version: 1.4.0

Controller Metrics

The KubeSlice Controller metrics provide insights into the operations and events performed by the controller for various components. The kubeslice_controller_events_counter metric is a counter that tracks the count of events raised for a specific action on an object. Each component has its own set of labels, allowing you to distinguish and analyze metrics based on the corresponding component. These labels include the slice name, project, cluster, namespace, reporting controller, action, event, object name, and object kind. By monitoring these metrics, you can gain visibility into the events and actions performed by the KubeSlice Controller, enabling you to track resource quotas and effectively manage your KubeSlice deployments.

The metric below is common for all the components, which is distinguished by the corresponding label for each component.

Sl. NoNameTypeLabelsDescription
1kubeslice_controller_events_counterCounterslice_name, slice_project, slice_cluster, slice_namespace, slice_reporting_controller, action, event, object_name, object_kindThis metric provides the count of all the events raised for a particular action in an object.


The following table describes the labels that are attached to the KubeSlice Controller metrics.

actionThe action which triggered the metric record.
eventThe event title to which the metric is attached to.
object_kindThe kind of the object on which the metric is recorded.
object_nameThe name of the object on which the metric is recorded.
slice_clusterThe name of the cluster the metric is attached to. The value is controller for all the KubeSlice Controller related metrics.
slice_nameThe name of the slice which the metric is attached to. The value is NA if the metric is unrelated to any slice.
slice_namespaceThe namespace of the object for which the metric is recorded.
slice_projectThe name of the project on which the slice is created.
slice_reporting_controllerThe name of the reporting controller. The value is controller for all the KubeSlice Controller related metrics.