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Version: 1.4.0

Create Slices

After the worker clusters have been successfully registered with the KubeSlice Controller, the next step is to create a slice that will onboard the application namespaces. It is possible to create a slice across multiple clusters or intra-cluster.

Slice Configuration Parameters

The following tables describe the configuration parameters used to create a slice with registered worker cluster(s).

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
apiVersionStringThe KubeSlice Controller API version. A set of resources that are exposed together, along with the version. The value must be
kindStringThe name of a particular object schema. The value must be SliceConfig.Mandatory
metadataObjectThe metadata describes parameters (names and types) and attributes that have been applied.Mandatory
specObjectThe specification of the desired state of an object.Mandatory

Slice Metadata Parameters

These parameters are related to the metadata configured in the slice configuration YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
nameStringThe name of the Slice. Each slice must have a unique name within a project namespace.Mandatory
namespaceStringThe project namespace on which you apply the slice configuration file.Mandatory

Slice Spec Parameters

These parameters are related to the spec configured in the slice configuration YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
sliceSubnetString (IP/16 Subnet) (RFC 1918 addresses)This subnet is used to assign IP addresses to pods that connect to the slice overlay network. The CIDR range can be re-used for each slice or can be modified as required. Example:
maxClustersIntegerThe maximum number of clusters that are allowed to connect a slice. The value of maxClusters can only be set during the slice creation. The maxClusters value is immutable after the slice creation. The minimum value is 2, and the maximum value is 32. The default value is 16. Example: 5. The maxClusters affect the subnetting across the clusters. For example, if the slice subnet is and the maxClusters=16, then each cluster would get a subnet of 10.1.x.0/20, x=0,16,32.Optional
sliceTypeStringDenotes the type of the slice. The value must be set to Application.Mandatory
sliceGatewayProviderObjectIt is the type of slice gateway created for inter cluster communication.Mandatory
sliceIpamTypeStringIt is the type of the IP address management for the slice subnet. The value must be always set to Local.Mandatory
rotationIntervalIntegerThe duration in which SliceGateway certificates are periodically renewed or rotated to ensure security and compliance. The default interval is 30 days and the supported range is 30 to 90 days.Optional
renewBeforeTimeThe time period before the expiration of SliceGateway certificates during which the renewal process is initiated. It represents the duration prior to certificate expiration when the renewal process is triggered to ensure seamless continuation of secure communication. By setting an appropriate value for renewBefore, certificates can be renewed ahead of time, allowing for any necessary updates or adjustments to be completed before the current certificates expire. This parameter helps avoid potential disruptions by ensuring the availability of valid certificates without waiting until the last moment. If you want to renew it now, provide the current Timestamp. warning: Do not set this parameter during slice creation.Optional
vpnConfigObjectThe Slice VPN Gateway is a slice network service component that provides a secure VPN tunnel between multiple clusters that are a part of the slice configuration.Optional
clustersList of StringsThe names of the worker clusters that would be part of the slice. You can provide the list of worker clusters.Mandatory
qosProfileDetailsObjectQoS profile for the slice inter cluster traffic.Mandatory
namespaceIsolationProfileObjectIt is the configuration to onboard namespaces and/or isolate namespaces with the network policy.Mandatory
externalGatewayConfigObjectIt is the slice ingress/egress gateway configuration. It is an optional configuration.Optional

Slice Gateway Provider Parameters

These parameters are related to the slice gateway created for the inter-cluster communication and they are configured in the slice configuration YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
sliceGatewayTypeStringThe slice gateway type for inter cluster communication. The value must be OpenVPN.Mandatory
sliceCaTypeStringThe slice gateway certificate authority type that provides certificates to secure inter-cluster traffic. The value must be always set to Local.Mandatory
SliceGatewayServiceTypeObjectThe type of gateway connectivity to use on a cluster. The default value is NodePort.Optional

Slice Gateway Service Type Parameters

These parameters are related to the slice gateway service type parameters that provides an option to use the external Load Balancer. The user can add the slice gateway type and protocol for each cluster.

clusterStringThe name of the worker cluster for which the user configures slice gateway connectivity. This field supports wildcard entries. To configure the slice gateway connectivity for all clusters connected to the slice, specify *(asterisk) as the parameter's value.Mandatory
typeStringIt defines the type of inter-cluster connectivity in KubeSlice. It has two options: NodePort and LoadBalancer. The default value is NodePort. The type value set to LoadBalancer is immutable after the slice creation.Optional
protocolStringIt defines the protocol for gateway configuration. It has two options: TCP and UDP. The default value is UDP. The protocol is immutable after the slice creation.Optional

OpenVPN Configuration

This parameter is related to the open VPN certificate generation and is configured in the slice configuration YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeParameter DescriptionRequired
cipherAlphanumericThis is the type of cipher used to generate the open VPN certificates. The value can be set to AES_128_CBC. The default value is AES_256_CBC.This parameter is provided as part of the slice configuration during creation. This configuration is immutable during the lifetime of the slice.Optional

QOS Profile Parameters

These parameters are related to the QoS profile for the slice inter-cluster traffic configured in the slice configuration YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
queueTypeStringIt is the slice traffic control queue type. The value must be Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB). HTB facilitates guaranteed bandwidth for the slice traffic.Mandatory
priorityIntegerQoS profiles allows traffic management within a slice as well as prioritization across slices. The value range is 0-3. Integer 0 represents the lowest priority and integer 3 represents the highest priority.Mandatory
tcTypeStringIt is the traffic control type. The value must be BANDWIDTH_CONTROL.Mandatory
bandwidthCeilingKbpsIntegerThe maximum bandwidth in Kbps that is allowed for the slice traffic.Mandatory
bandwidthGuaranteedKbpsIntegerThe guaranteed bandwidth in Kbps for the slice traffic.Mandatory
dscpClassAlphanumericDSCP marking code for the slice inter-cluster traffic.Mandatory

Namespace Isolation Profile Parameters

These parameters are related to onboarding namespaces, isolating the slice, and allowing external namespaces to communicate with the slice. They are configured in the slice configuration YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
applicationNamespacesArray objectDefines the namespaces that will be onboarded to the slice and their corresponding worker clusters.Mandatory
allowedNamespacesArray objectContains the list of namespaces from which the traffic flow is allowed to the slice. By default, native kubernetes namespaces such as kube-system are allowed. If isolationEnabled is set to true, then you must include namespaces that you want to allow traffic from.Optional
isolationEnabledBooleanDefines if the namespace isolation is enabled. By default, it is set to false. The isolation policy only applies to the traffic from the application and allowed namespaces to the same slice.Optional

Application Namespaces Parameters

These parameters are related to onboarding namespaces onto a slice, which are configured in the slice configuration YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
namespaceStringThe namespace that you want to onboard to the slice. These namespaces can be isolated using the namespace isolation feature.Mandatory
clustersList of StringsCorresponding cluster names for the namespaces listed above. To onboard the namespace on all clusters, specify the asterisk * as this parameter's value.Mandatory

Allowed Namespaces Parameters

These parameters are related to allowing external namespaces to communicated with the slice, which are configured in the slice configuration YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
namespaceStringsList of external namespaces that are not a part of the slice from which traffic is allowed into the slice.Optional
clustersList of StringsCorresponding cluster names for the namespaces listed above. To onboard the namespace on all clusters, specify the asterisk * as this parameter's value.Optional

External Gateway Configuration Parameters

These parameters are related to external gateways, which are configured in the slice configuration YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
ingressBooleanTo use the ingress gateway for East-West traffic on your slice, set the value to true.Optional
egressBooleanTo use the egress gateway for East-West traffic on your slice, set the value to true.Optional
gatewayTypeStringThe type of ingress/egress gateways that need to be provisioned for the slice. It can either be none or istio.If set to istio, - The ingress gateway is created for a slice when ingress is enabled. - The egress gateway is created for a slice when egress is enabled. If set to istio, and ingress and egress are set to false then Istio gateways are not created.Mandatory
clustersList of StringsNames of the clusters to which the externalGateway configuration should be applied. ### Create Slice YAMLOptional

Standard QOS Profile Parameters

These parameters are related to the QoS profile for the slice inter-cluster traffic configured in the standard QoS profile configuration YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
apiVersionStringThe KubeSlice Controller API version. A set of resources that are exposed together, along with the version. The value must be Mandatory
kindStringThe name of a particular object schema. The value must be SliceQoSConfig. Mandatory
metadataObjectThe metadata describes parameters (names and types) and attributes that have been applied. Mandatory
specObjectThe specification of the desired state of an object. Mandatory

Standard QoS Profile Metadata Parameter

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
nameStringIt is the name of the QoS profile.Mandatory
namespaceStringThe project namespace on which you apply the slice configuration file.Mandatory

Standard QoS Profile Specification Parameters

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
queueTypeStringIt is the slice traffic control queue type. The value must be Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB). HTB facilitates guaranteed bandwidth for the slice traffic.Mandatory
priorityIntegerQoS profiles allows traffic management within a slice as well as prioritization across slices. The value range is 0-3. 0 represents the highest priority and 3 represents the lowest priority.Mandatory
tcTypeStringIt is the traffic control type. The value must be BANDWIDTH_CONTROL.Mandatory
bandwidthCeilingKbpsIntegerThe maximum bandwidth in Kbps that is allowed for the slice traffic.Mandatory
bandwidthGuaranteedKbpsIntegerThe guaranteed bandwidth in Kbps for the slice traffic.Mandatory
dscpClassAlphanumericDSCP marking code for the slice inter-cluster traffic.Mandatory

Slice Creation


Limit the cluster name and slice name to 15 characters or fewer, as exceeding the limit results in a service export error.

Slice VPN Key Rotation

Any new slice created using the KubeSlice Manager or a YAML file will have a duration of 30 days to renew the SliceGateway certificates. When creating a slice, you can change the rotation interval by modifying the rotationInterval parameter in the slice configuration YAML file. This interval can be adjusted, with the minimum being 30 days and the maximum being 90 days. You can also update this parameter after the creation of slice.

Create the slice configuration YAML file using the following template.

kind: SliceConfig
name: <slice-name>
namespace: kubeslice-<projectname>
sliceSubnet: <slice-subnet>
maxClusters: <2 - 32> #Ex: 5. By default, the maxClusters value is set to 16
sliceType: Application
sliceGatewayType: OpenVPN
sliceCaType: Local
sliceIpamType: Local
rotationInterval: 60 # If not provided, by default key rotation interval is 30 days
cipher: AES-128-CBC # If not provided, by default cipher is AES-256-CBC
- <registered-cluster-name-1>
- <registered-cluster-name-2>
queueType: HTB
priority: <qos_priority> #keep integer values from 0 to 3
bandwidthCeilingKbps: 5120
bandwidthGuaranteedKbps: 2560
dscpClass: AF11
- namespace: iperf
- '*'
isolationEnabled: false #make this true in case you want to enable isolation
- namespace: kube-system
- '*'

Renew Slice Gateway Certificates

You can use the renewBefore option to start the certificate renewal process right away. Using this option, you can start the certificate renewal procedure before the rotation interval expires. The renewBefore parameter in the YAML file can be set to a suitable value to ensure that the certificate renewal process begins right away, maintaining your system's security and compliance.


Before you use the renewBefore parameter to renew the gateway certificates, ensure the slice gateways are operational.

Use the following template to renew your certificates.

kind: SliceConfig
name: <slice-name>
namespace: kubeslice-<projectname>
sliceSubnet: <slice-subnet>
maxClusters: <2 - 32> #Ex: 5. By default, the maxClusters value is set to 16
sliceType: Application
sliceGatewayType: OpenVPN
sliceCaType: Local
sliceIpamType: Local
renewBefore: 2023-07-18T14:27:08Z #only required if you want to renew your certificates before hand
rotationInterval: 60 # If not provided, by default key rotation interval is 30 days
- <registered-cluster-name-1>
- <registered-cluster-name-2>
queueType: HTB
priority: <qos_priority> #keep integer values from 0 to 3
bandwidthCeilingKbps: 5120
bandwidthGuaranteedKbps: 2560
dscpClass: AF11
- namespace: iperf
- '*'
isolationEnabled: false #make this true in case you want to enable isolation
- namespace: kube-system
- '*'

Inter-Cluster Connectivity in KubeSlice

KubeSlice supports cluster connectivity among public and private clusters. Kubeslice extends the support to private clusters using a Load Balancer. In the slice configuration YAML file, the user can specify the type of gateway connectivity to use on a cluster. The type can be either NodePort or LoadBalancer. If you do not use LoadBalancer as the gateway connectivity type, then NodePort is used by default. Like other configuration options in KubeSlice, the * (asterisk) wildcard character is allowed to indicate all clusters of a slice.

Add the gateway service type and protocol and the corresponding clusters under the sliceGatewayServiceType in the slice configuration YAML as illustrated below.

sliceGatewayType: OpenVPN
- cluster: <registered-cluster-name-1>
type: LoadBalancer # By default, the gateway service type is NodePort.
protocol: TCP # By default. the gateway protocol is UDP.
- cluster: <registered-cluster-name-2>
type: LoadBalancer # By default, the gateway service type is NodePort.
protocol: TCP # By default, the gateway protocol is UDP.

Change the Gateway Provider for Inter-Cluster Connectivity

After the LoadBalancer gateway service type and TCP/UDP gateway protocol are set, they become immutable. However, if you want to change the gateway service type and protocol, then follow these steps:

  1. Detach the cluster from the slice by removing it from the attached slice configuration , that is under clusters and remove the cluster, its protocol and type under sliceGatewayServiceType in the slice configuration YAML.
  2. Apply the slice configuration to completely detach it.
  3. Add the same cluster under clusters and set the sliceGatewayServiceType for this cluster.
  4. Reapply the slice configuration to connect the cluster to the slice.

Manage Namespaces

This section describes how to onboard namespaces to a slice. In Kubernetes, a namespace is a logical separation of resources within a cluster, where resources like pods and services are associated with a namespace and are guaranteed to be uniquely identifiable within it. Namespaces created for application deployments can be onboarded onto a slice to form a micro-network segment. Once a namespace is bound to a slice, all pods scheduled in the namespace get connected to the slice.

Onboard Namespaces

To onboard namespaces, you must add them as part of applicationNamespaces in the slice configuration YAML file.

In the slice configuration YAML file, add the namespaces using one of these methods:

  • Add namespaces for each worker cluster.
  • Add a wildcard * (asterisk) to add all namespaces on the worker clusters.

Ensure that the namespace that you want to onboard exists on the worker cluster.

Add the namespace and the corresponding clusters under the applicationNamespaces in the slice configuration file as illustrated below.

- namespace: iperf
- 'worker-cluster-1'
- namespace: bookinfo
- '*'

Adding the asterisk (*) enables the namespace sameness, which means that the namespace is onboarded on all the worker clusters of that slice. This configuration ensures that all the application deployments from that namespace are onboarded automatically on to the slice. Enabling namespace sameness creates that namespace on a worker cluster that does not contain it. Thus, all the worker clusters part of that slice contains that namespace.

Isolate Namespaces

The namespace isolation feature allows you to confine application namespaces to a slice. The associated namespaces are connected to the slice and are isolated from other namespaces in the cluster. This forms a secure inter-cluster network segment of pods that are isolated from the rest of the pods in the clusters. The slice segmentation isolates and protects applications from each other, and reduces blast radius of failure conditions.

The following figure illustrates how the namespaces are isolated from different namespaces on a worker cluster. Namespaces are isolated with respect to sending and receiving data traffic to other namespaces in a cluster.


Enable Namespace Isolation

To enable the Namespace Isolation on a slice, set the isolationEnabled value to true in the slice configuration YAML file and to disable the Namespace Isolation set the value to false.
By default, the isolationEnabled value is set to false.

Slice Istio Gateway Configurations

A slice can be configured to use Istio ingress and egress gateways for East-West traffic(inter-cluster, egress from one cluster, and ingress into another cluster). Gateways operate at the edges of the clusters. Ingress gateway act as an entry point and Egress gateway acts as exit point for East-West traffic in a slice. Ingress/Egress gateway is not a core component of KubeSlice, it is an add-on feature that users can activate if needed.


Currently, Istio gateways are the only type of external gateways supported.

There are different ways to configure a slice that enables you to route the application traffic. Below are the scenarios to configure a slice with/without egress and ingress gateways.

Scenario 1: Slice Configuration only with Egress Gateways

Create the slice configuration file with Istio egress gateway using the following template.

kind: SliceConfig
name: <slice-name>
namespace: kubeslice-<projectname>
sliceSubnet: <slice-subnet> #Ex:
maxClusters: <2 - 32> #Ex: 5. By default, the maxClusters value is set to 16
sliceType: Application
sliceGatewayType: OpenVPN
sliceCaType: Local
sliceIpamType: Local
- <registered-cluster-name-1>
- <registered-cluster-name-2>
queueType: HTB
priority: 1 #keep integer values from 0 to 3
bandwidthCeilingKbps: 5120
bandwidthGuaranteedKbps: 2560
dscpClass: AF11
- namespace: iperf
- '*'
isolationEnabled: false #make this true in case you want to enable isolation
- namespace: kube-system
- '*'
- ingress:
enabled: false
enabled: true
enabled: false
gatewayType: istio
- <cluster-name-1>
- ingress:
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
gatewayType: istio
- <cluster-name-2>

Scenario 2: Slice Configuration only with Ingress Gateways

Create the slice configuration file with Istio ingress gateways using the following template.

kind: SliceConfig
name: <slice-name>
namespace: kubeslice-<projectname>
sliceSubnet: <slice-subnet> #Ex:
maxClusters: <2 - 32> #Ex: 5. By default, the maxClusters value is set to 16
sliceType: Application
sliceGatewayType: OpenVPN
sliceCaType: Local
sliceIpamType: Local
- <registered-cluster-name-1>
- <registered-cluster-name-2>
queueType: HTB
priority: 1 #keep integer values from 0 to 3
bandwidthCeilingKbps: 5120
bandwidthGuaranteedKbps: 2560
dscpClass: AF11
- namespace: iperf
- '*'
isolationEnabled: false #make this true in case you want to enable isolation
- namespace: kube-system
- '*'
- ingress:
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
gatewayType: istio
- <cluster-name-1>
- ingress:
enabled: true
enabled: false
enabled: false
gatewayType: istio
- <cluster-name-2>

Scenario 3: Slice Configuration with Egress and Ingress Gateways

Create the slice configuration file with Istio ingress and egress gateways using the following template.

kind: SliceConfig
name: <slice-name>
namespace: kubeslice-<projectname>
sliceSubnet: <slice-subnet>
maxClusters: <2 - 32> #Ex: 5. By default, the maxClusters value is set to 16
sliceType: Application
sliceGatewayType: OpenVPN
sliceCaType: Local
sliceIpamType: Local
- <registered-cluster-name-1>
- <registered-cluster-name-2>
queueType: HTB
priority: <qos_priority> #keep integer values from 0 to 3
bandwidthCeilingKbps: 5120
bandwidthGuaranteedKbps: 2560
dscpClass: AF11
- namespace: iperf
- '*'
isolationEnabled: false #make this true in case you want to enable isolation
- namespace: kube-system
- '*'
externalGatewayConfig: #enable which gateway we wanted to and on which cluster
- ingress:
enabled: false
enabled: true
gatewayType: istio
- <cluster-name-1>
- ingress:
enabled: true
enabled: false
gatewayType: istio
- <cluster-name-2>

Apply Slice Configuration

The following information is required.

<cluster name>The name of the cluster.
<slice configuration>The name of the slice configuration file.
<project namespace>The project namespace on which you apply the slice configuration file.

Perform these steps:

  1. Switch the context to the KubeSlice Controller using the following command:
kubectx <cluster name>
  1. Apply the YAML file on the project namespace using the following command:
kubectl apply -f <slice configuration>.yaml -n <project namespace>

Create a Standard QoS Profile

The slice configuration file contains a QoS profile object. To apply a QoS profile to multiple slices, you can create a separate QOS profile YAML file and call it out in other slice configuration.

Create a Standard QoS Profile YAML File

Use the following template to create a standard sliceqosconfig file.


To understand more about the configuration parameters, see Standard QoS Profile Parameters.

kind: SliceQoSConfig
name: profile1
queueType: HTB
priority: 1
bandwidthCeilingKbps: 5120
bandwidthGuaranteedKbps: 2562
dscpClass: AF11

Apply the Standard QOS Profile YAML File

Apply the slice-qos-config file using the following command.

kubectl apply -f <full path of slice-qos-config.yaml> -n project-namespace

You can only add the filename if you are on the project namespace using the following command.

kubectl apply slice-qos-config.yaml -n project-namespace

Validate the Standard QoS Profile

To validate the standard QoS profile that you created, use the following command:

kubectl get -n project-namespace

Expected Output

NAME       AGE
profile1 33s

After applying the slice-qos-config.yaml file, add the profile name in a slice configuration. You must add the name of the QoS profile for the standardQosProfileName parameter in a slice configuration YAML file as illustrated in the following examples.


In a slice configuration YAML file, the standardQosProfileName parameter and the qosProfileDetails object are mutually exclusive.

Example of using the standard QoS Profile without Istio

kind: SliceConfig
name: red
maxClusters: <2 - 32> #Ex: 5. By default, the maxClusters value is set to 16
sliceType: Application
sliceGatewayType: OpenVPN
sliceCaType: Local
sliceIpamType: Local
- cluster-1
- cluster-2
standardQosProfileName: profile1

Example of using the standard QoS Profile with Istio

kind: SliceConfig
name: red
sliceType: Application
sliceGatewayType: OpenVPN
sliceCaType: Local
sliceIpamType: Local
- cluster-1
- cluster-2
standardQosProfileName: profile1
- ingress:
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
gatewayType: none
- "*"
- ingress:
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
gatewayType: istio
- cluster-2

Validate the Installation

Validate the slice configuration on the KubeSlice Controller and the worker clusters.

Validate the Slice on the Controller Cluster

To validate the slice configuration on the controller cluster, use the following command:

kubectl get workersliceconfig -n kubeslice-<projectname>


kubectl get workersliceconfig -n kubeslice-avesha

Example Output

NAME                        AGE
red-dev-worker-cluster-1 45s
red-dev-worker-cluster-2 45s

To validate the slice gateway on the controller cluster, use the following command:

kubectl get workerslicegateway -n kubeslice-<projectname>


kubectl get workerslicegateway -n kubeslice-avesha

Example Output

NAME                                            AGE
red-dev-worker-cluster-1-dev-worker-cluster-2 45s
red-dev-worker-cluster-2-dev-worker-cluster-1 45s

Validate the Slice on the Worker Clusters

To validate the slice creation on each of the worker clusters, use the following command:

kubectl get slice -n kubeslice-system

Example Output

red 45s

To validate the slice gateway on each of the worker cluster, use the following command:

kubectl get slicegw -n kubeslice-system

Example Output

NAME                                            SUBNET        REMOTE SUBNET   REMOTE CLUSTER        GW STATUS
red-dev-worker-cluster-1-dev-worker-cluster-2 dev-worker-cluster-2

To validate the gateway pods on the worker cluster, use the following command:

k get pods

Example Output

NAME                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
blue-cluster1-cluster2-0-d948856f9-sqztd 3/3 Running 0 43s
blue-cluster1-cluster2-1-65f64b67c8-t975h 3/3 Running 0 43s
forwarder-kernel-g6b67 1/1 Running 0 153m
forwarder-kernel-mv52h 1/1 Running 0 153m
kubeslice-dns-6976b58b5c-kzbgg 1/1 Running 0 153m
kubeslice-netop-bfb55 1/1 Running 0 153m
kubeslice-netop-c4795 1/1 Running 0 153m
kubeslice-operator-7cf497857f-scf4w 2/2 Running 0 79m
nsm-admission-webhook-k8s-747df4b696-j7zh9 1/1 Running 0 153m
nsm-install-crds--1-ncvkl 0/1 Completed 0 153m
nsmgr-tdx2t 2/2 Running 0 153m
nsmgr-xdwm5 2/2 Running 0 153m
registry-k8s-5b7f5986d5-g88wx 1/1 Running 0 153m
vl3-slice-router-blue-c9b5fcb64-9n4qp 2/2 Running 0 2m5s

Validate Namespace Isolation

When the namespace isolation feature is enabled, the namespace isolation policy is applied to isolate the application namespaces. Verify the namespace isolation policy by running the following command to confirm that the namespace isolation feature is enabled:

kubectl get netpol -n <application_namespace>

** Expected Output**

NAME                  POD-SELECTOR            AGE
peacock-bookinfo <none> 15s

In the above output, peacock is the slice name and bookinfo is the onboarded namespace to which the namespace isolation policy is applied.


After creating a slice across the worker clusters, it should be noted that all the slice configuration is applied at the KubeSlice Controller level and the creation process was successful.

ServiceExports and ServiceImports

Service Discovery is implemented using the CRDs ServiceExport and ServiceImport.

If you want the service discoverable across the KubeSlice DNS, you must create a ServiceExport.

ServiceExport CRD is used to configure an existing service on the slice to be exposed and discovered across the clusters on the slice. On creating a ServiceExport on a cluster, a corresponding ServiceImport is created on all the clusters that includes the list of endpoints populated from ServiceExport. This CRD contains endpoints aggregated from all the clusters that expose the same service. The reconciler populates the DNS entries and ensures traffic to reach the correct clusters and endpoint.

Service Export Configuration Parameters

The following tables describe the configuration parameters used to create Service Export.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
apiVersionStringThe KubeSlice Controller API version. A set of resources that are exposed together, along with the version. The value must be
kindStringThe name of a particular object schema. The value must be ServiceExport.Mandatory
metadataObjectThe metadata describes parameters (names and types) and attributes that have been applied.Mandatory
specObjectThe specification of the desired state of an object.Mandatory

ServiceExport Metadata Parameters

These parameters are related to metadata for exporting a service, which are configured in the ServiceExport YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
nameStringThe name of the service export.Mandatory
namespaceStringThe application namespace.Mandatory

ServiceExport Spec Parameters

These parameters are related to the exporting service specification configured in the ServiceExport YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
sliceStringThe name of the slice on which the service should be exported.Mandatory
aliasesString ArrayOne or more aliases can be provided for the service being exported from a worker cluster. This parameter is required when the exported services have arbitrary names instead of the slice.local name.Optional
selectorObjectThe labels used to select the endpoints.Mandatory
portObjectThe details of the port for the service.Mandatory

Service Selector Parameters

These parameters are related to the labels for selecting the endpoints in a service export, which are configured in the ServiceExport YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
matchLabelsMapThe labels used to select the endpoints.Mandatory

Service Ports Parameters

These parameters contains the details of the port for the export service, which are configured in the ServiceExport YAML file.

ParameterParameter TypeDescriptionRequired
nameStringIt is a unique identifier for the port. It must be prefixed with http for HTTP services or tcp for TCP services.Mandatory
containerPortIntegerThe port number for the service.Mandatory
ProtocolStringThe protocol type for the service. For example: TCP.Mandatory

Create a ServiceExport YAML File

To export a service, you must create a service export .yaml file using the following template.

kind: ServiceExport
name: <serviceexport name>
namespace: <application namespace>
slice: <slice name>
- <alias name>
- <alias name>
<key>: <value>
- name: <protocol name>
containerPort: <port>
protocol: <protocol>

Apply the ServiceExport YAML File

To apply the serviceexport YAML file, use the following command:

kubectl apply -f <serviceexport yaml> -n <namespace>

Verify ServiceExport

Verify if the service is exported successfully using the following command:

kubectl get serviceexport -n <namespace>

ServiceExport DNS

The service is exported and reachable through KubeSlice DNS at:

<serviceexport name>.<namespace>.<slice name>.svc.slice.local


When a ServiceExport is deployed, the corresponding ServiceImport is automatically created on each of the worker clusters that are part of the slice. This populates the necessary DNS entries and ensures your traffic always reaches the correct cluster and endpoint.

To verify that the service is imported on other worker clusters, use the following command:

kubectl get serviceimport -n <namespace>

You have successfully deployed and exported a service to your KubeSlice cluster.



A slice configured with the Istio gateway for egress/ingress only supports HTTP services.