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Version: 1.4.0

Controller Events

The KubeSlice Controller generates events that represent an operation on the controller cluster. All of these generated events are specific to KubeSlice operations.

By default,the KubeSlice Controller logs the events in the following namespaces:

kubeslice-controller Namespace Events

This section describes the events that are generated on the kubeslice-controller namespace. Use the following command to get the kubeslice-controller namespace events:

kubectl get events -n kubeslice-controller


These events are related to the KubeSlice projects that you create on the controller cluster.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1ProjectDeletedWARNINGThe project has been deleted.
2ProjectDeletionFailedWARNINGThe project deletion has failed.


These events are related to the project namespace in the controller cluster.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1NamespaceCreatedNORMALThe namespace has been created.
2NamespaceCreationFailedWARNINGThe namespace creation has failed.
3NamespaceDeletedWARNINGThe namespace has been deleted.
4NamespaceDeletionFailedWARNINGThe namespace deletion has failed.


These events are related to the KubeSlice license in the controller cluster.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1ClusterMetadataCollectionFailedWARNINGThe automatic license creation has failed. The cluster details could not be collected.
2ClusterMetadataCollectionSuccessNORMALThe cluster details have been collected.
3ConfigMapErrWARNINGThe license is invalid. Please contact Avesha Support at
4GotConfigMapNORMALThe ConfigMap and KubeSlice-license public keys have been collected.
5GotMachineFingerPrintNORMALThe Machine Key has been collected.
6LicenseDataFetchErrorWARNINGThe automatic license creation has failed. Please contact Avesha Support at
7LicenseDataFetchSuccessNORMALThe license is received from Avesha.
8LicenseExpiredWARNINGThe license has expired. You cannot make any changes. Please contact Avesha Support at
9LicenseExpiredGracePeriodOnWARNINGThe license has expired. Please contact Avesha Support at
10LicenseKeyInvalidWARNINGThe license is invalid. Please contact Avesha Support at
11LicenseProxyUnreachableWARNINGThe automatic license creation has failed. You are unable to reach the license server. Please contact Avesha Support at
12LicenseSecretCreationFailedWARNINGThe automatic license creation has failed. Please contact Avesha Support at
13LicenseSecretCreationSuccessNORMALThe license has been created.
14LicenseSecretNotFoundWARNINGThe license is not found.
15MachineFingerPrintErrWARNINGThe Machine Key could not be collected.
16MachineFileNotFoundWARNINGThe license is invalid. Please contact Avesha Support at
17MachineFileInvalidWARNINGThe license is invalid. Please contact Avesha Support at

kubeslice-project Namespace Events

This section describes the events that are generated on the kubeslice-<project> namespace. Use the following command to get the kubeslice-<project> namespace events:

kubectl get events -n kubeslice-<project>

Access Control

These events are associated with Kubernetes RBAC on the controller cluster.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1WorkerClusterRoleCreatedNORMALThe worker cluster role has been created.
2WorkerClusterRoleCreationFailedWARNINGThe worker cluster role creation has failed.
3WorkerClusterRoleUpdatedNORMALThe worker cluster role has been updated.
4WorkerClusterRoleUpdateFailedWARNINGThe worker cluster role update has failed.
5ReadOnlyRoleCreatedNORMALThe read-only role has been created.
6ReadOnlyRoleCreationFailedWARNINGThe read-only role creation has failed.
7ReadOnlyRoleUpdatedNORMALThe read-only role has been updated.
8ReadOnlyRoleUpdateFailedWARNINGThe read-only role update has failed.
9ReadWriteRoleCreatedNORMALThe read-write role has been created.
10ReadWriteRoleCreationFailedWARNINGThe read-write role creation has failed.
11ReadWriteRoleUpdatedNORMALThe read-write role has been updated.
12ReadWriteRoleUpdateFailedWARNINGThe read-write role update has failed.
13ServiceAccountCreatedNORMALThe service account has been created.
14ServiceAccountCreationFailedWARNINGThe service account creation has failed.
15ServiceAccountSecretCreatedNORMALThe service account secret has been updated.
16ServiceAccountSecretCreationFailedWARNINGThe service account secret creation has failed.
17DefaultRoleBindingCreatedNORMALThe default role binding has been created.
18DefaultRoleBindingCreationFailedWARNINGThe default role binding creation has failed.
19DefaultRoleBindingUpdatedNORMALThe default role binding has been deleted.
20DefaultRoleBindingDeletedWARNINGThe service account creation has failed.
21InactiveRoleBindingDeletedWARNINGThe inactive role binding has been deleted.
22InactiveRoleBindingDeletionFailedWARNINGThe inactive role binding deletion has failed.
23InactiveServiceAccountDeletedWARNINGThe inactive service account has been deleted.
24InactiveServiceAccountDeletionFailedWARNINGThe inactive service account deletion has failed.
25ServiceAccountDeletedWARNINGThe service account has been deleted.
26ServiceAccountDeletionFailedWARNINGThe service account deletion has failed.
27SecretDeletedWARNINGThe service account secret has been deleted.
28SecretDeletionFailedWARNINGThe service account secret deletion has failed.


These events associated with worker cluster deletion are listed below.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1ClusterDeletedWARNINGThe worker cluster has been deleted from KubeSlice.
2ClusterDeletionFailedWARNINGThe worker cluster deletion from KubeSlice has failed.


These events are related to the service export of a worker cluster.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1ServiceExportConfigDeletedWARNINGThe service export configuration has been deleted.
2ServiceExportConfigDeletionFailedWARNINGThe service export configuration deletion has failed.


These events are related to a slice deletion.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1SliceConfigDeletedWARNINGThe slice has been deleted.
2SliceConfigDeletionFailedWARNINGThe slice deletion has failed.


These events are related to the slice node affinity.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1SliceNodeAffinityDeletionFailedWARNINGThe slice node affinity deletion has failed.
2SliceNodeAffinityDeletedWARNINGThe slice node affinity has been deleted.
3SetSliceConfigAsOwnerOfSliceNodeAffinityFailedWARNINGThe slice configuration could not be set as the owner of the slice node affinity
4SetSliceConfigAsOwnerOfSliceNodeAffinitySucceededNORMALThe slice configuration is set as the owner of the slice node affinity.


These events are related to a slice quality-of-service (QoS) profile.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1SliceQoSConfigDeletedWARNINGThe slice QoS configuration has been deleted.
2SliceQoSConfigDeletionFailedWARNINGThe slice QoS configuration deletion has failed.


These events are related to the slice resource quota configuration.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1SliceResourceQuotaCreationFailedWARNINGThe slice role quota creation has failed.
2SliceResourceQuotaCreatedOnSliceConfigCreationNORMALThe slice role quota has been created on the slice configuration.
3SliceResourceQuotaDeletionFailedWARNINGThe slice role quota deletion has failed.
4SliceResourceQuotaDeletedWARNINGThe slice role quota has been deleted.
5SliceResourceQuotaRecreationFailedWARNINGThe slice role quota recreation has failed.
6SliceResourceQuotaRecreatedNORMALThe slice role quota has been recreated.
7SetSliceConfigAsOwnerOfSliceResourceQuotaFailedWARNINGThe slice configuration could not be set as the owner of the slice resource quota.
8SetSliceConfigAsOwnerOfSliceResourceQuotaSucceededNORMALThe slice configuration is set as the owner of the slice role quota.
9SliceResourceQuotaCreatedNORMALThe slice role quota is created.
10SliceResourceQuotaUpdatedNORMALThe slice role quota is updated.
11AllRQSpecificationViolationMetricsResetSuccessNORMALAll the resource quota violation metrics have been reset.
12SliceRQSpecificationViolationMetricsResetSuccessNORMALThe slice resource quota violation metrics have been reset.
13ClusterRQSpecificationViolationMetricsResetSuccessNORMALThe slice resource quota violation metrics have been reset.
14OutdatedNamespaceRQSpecificationViolationMetricsResetSuccessNORMALThe outdated namespace resource quota violation metrics have been reset.
15OutdatedClusterRQSpecificationViolationMetricsResetSuccessNORMALThe outdated cluster resource quota violation metrics have been reset.


These events are related to the slice role assignment.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1SliceRoleBindingDeletingFailedWARNINGThe slice role binding or the slice RBAC deletion has failed.
2SliceRoleBindingDeletedWARNINGThe slice role binding or the slice RBAC has been deleted.
3SetSliceConfigAsOwnerOfSliceRoleBindingFailedWARNINGThe slice configuration could not be set as owner of the slice role binding or the slice RBAC.
4SetSliceConfigAsOwnerOfSliceRoleBindingSucceededNORMALThe slice configuration is set as the owner of the slice role binding or the slice RBAC.


These events are related to the slice RBAC role.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1DefaultDeploymentSliceRoleTemplateCreationFailedWARNINGThe slice role template creation has failed.
2DefaultDeploymentSliceRoleTemplateCreatedNORMALThe slice role template has been created.
3DefaultReaderSliceRoleTemplateCreationFailedWARNINGThe read-only slice role template creation has failed.
4DefaultReaderSliceRoleTemplateCreatedNORMALThe read-only slice role template has been created.
5SliceRoleTemplateDeletionFailedWARNINGThe slice role template deletion has failed.
6SliceRoleTemplateDeletedWARNINGThe slice role template has been deleted.


These events are related to the worker objects of service import of a worker cluster.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1WorkerServiceImportDeletedForcefullyWARNINGThe worker service import has been deleted forcefully.
2WorkerServiceImportRecreationFailedWARNINGThe worker service import recreation has failed after forceful deletion.
3WorkerServiceImportRecreatedNORMALThe worker service import has been recreated after forceful deletion.
4WorkerServiceImportCreationFailedWARNINGThe worker service import creation has failed.
5WorkerServiceImportCreatedNORMALThe worker service import has been created.
6WorkerServiceImportUpdateFailedWARNINGThe worker service import update has failed.
7WorkerServiceImportUpdatedNORMALThe worker service import has been updated.
8WorkerServiceImportDeletedWARNINGThe worker service import has been deleted.
9WorkerServiceImportDeletionFailedWARNINGThe worker service import deletion has failed.


These events are related to the worker objects of a slice. A worker object is automatically generated after slice creation. A worker object is created for every worker cluster connected to a slice.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1WorkerSliceConfigDeletedForcefullyWARNINGThe worker slice configuration has been deleted forcefully.
2WorkerSliceConfigRecreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice configuration recreation has failed after forceful deletion.
3WorkerSliceConfigRecreatedNORMALThe worker slice configuration has been recreated after forceful deletion.
4WorkerSliceConfigCreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice configuration creation has failed.
5WorkerSliceConfigCreatedNORMALThe worker slice configuration has been created.
6WorkerSliceConfigUpdateFailedWARNINGThe worker slice configuration update has failed.
7WorkerSliceConfigUpdatedNORMALThe worker slice configuration has been updated.
8WorkerSliceConfigDeletedWARNINGThe worker slice configuration has been deleted.
9WorkerSliceConfigDeletionFailedWARNINGThe worker slice configuration deletion has failed.


These events are related to the worker slice gateways for a slice with more than one worker cluster. The number of worker slice gateways on a slice is equal to n * (n-1), where n is the total number of worker clusters on that slice.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1WorkerSliceGatewayDeletedForcefullyWARNINGThe worker slice gateway has been deleted forcefully.
2WorkerSliceGatewayRecreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice gateway recreation has failed after forceful deletion.
3WorkerSliceGatewayRecreatedNORMALThe worker slice gateway has been recreated after forceful deletion.
4WorkerSliceGatewayCreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice gateway creation has failed.
5WorkerSliceGatewayCreatedNORMALThe worker slice gateway has been created.
6SliceGatewayJobCreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice gateway job creation has failed.
7SliceGatewayJobCreatedNORMALThe worker slice gateway job has been created.
8WorkerSliceGatewayDeletedWARNINGThe worker slice gateway has been deleted.
9WorkerSliceGatewayDeletionFailedWARNINGThe worker slice gateway deletion has failed.


These events are related to the worker objects of the slice node affinity (node labels). A worker object is automatically generated after the slice node affinity is created.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1WorkerSliceNodeAffinityDeletedForcefullyWARNINGThe worker slice node affinity has been deleted forcefully.
2WorkerSliceNodeAffinityRecreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice node affinity recreation has failed after forceful deletion.
3WorkerSliceNodeAffinityRecreatedNORMALThe worker slice node affinity has been recreated after forceful deletion.
4NodeAffinityRilesExpansionFailedWARNINGThe worker slice node affinity rules expansion has failed.
5SliceNodeAffinityConfigDeepCopyFailedWARNINGThe deep copy of the worker slice node affinity configuration has failed.
6WorkerSliceNodeAffinityCreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice node affinity creation has failed.
7WorkerSliceNodeAffinityCreatedNORMALThe worker slice node affinity has been created.
8WorkerSliceNodeAffinityUpdateFailedWARNINGThe worker slice node affinity update has failed.
9WorkerSliceNodeAffinityUpdatedNORMALThe worker slice node affinity has been updated.
10WorkerSliceNodeAffinityDeletionFailedWARNINGThe worker slice node affinity deletion failed.
11WorkerSliceNodeAffinityDeletedWARNINGThe worker slice node affinity has been deleted.


These events are related to the worker objects of the slice resource quota. A worker object is automatically generated after the slice resource quota is created.

These events also include the events generated when a resource is violated at namespace, cluster, and slice levels.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1WorkerSliceResourceQuotaDeletedForcefullyWARNINGThe worker slice resource quota has been deleted forcefully.
2WorkerSliceResourceQuotaRecreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice resource quota recreation has failed after forceful deletion.
3WorkerSliceResourceQuotaRecreatedNORMALThe worker slice resource quota has been recreated after forceful deletion.
4OffBoardedNamespaceUtilizationMetricsResetNORMALThe utilization metrics of off-boarded namespaces have been reset.
5ResourceQuotaMetricsPopulatedNORMALThe resource quota metrics have been populated.
6ClusterCPULimitViolatedWARNINGThe CPU limit is violated at the cluster level.
7ClusterMemoryLimitViolatedWARNINGThe memory limit is violated at the cluster level.
8ClusterPodCountViolatedWARNINGThe pod count is violated at the cluster level.
9ClusterEphemeralStorageLimitViolatedWARNINGThe ephemeral storage limit is violated at the cluster level.
10ClusterCPURequestViolatedWARNINGThe CPU request is violated at the cluster level.
11ClusterMemoryRequestViolatedWARNINGThe memory request is violated at the cluster level.
12ClusterEphemeralStorageRequestViolatedWARNINGThe ephemeral storage request is violated at the cluster level.
13NamespaceCPULimitViolatedWARNINGThe CPU limit is violated at the namespace level.
14NamespaceMemoryLimitViolatedWARNINGThe memory limit is violated at the namespace level.
15NamespacePodCountViolatedWARNINGThe pod count is violated at the namespace level.
16NamespaceEphemeralStorageLimitViolatedWARNINGThe ephemeral storage limit is violated at the namespace level.
17NamespaceCPURequestViolatedWARNINGThe CPU request is violated at the namespace level.
18NamespaceMemoryRequestViolatedWARNINGThe memory request is violated at the namespace level.
19NamespaceEphemeralStorageRequestViolatedWARNINGThe ephemeral storage request is violated at the namespace level.
20SliceCPULimitViolatedWARNINGThe CPU limit is violated at the slice level.
21SliceMemoryLimitViolatedWARNINGThe memory limit is violated at the slice level.
22SlicePodCountViolatedWARNINGThe pod count is violated at the slice level.
23SliceEphemeralStorageLimitViolatedWARNINGThe ephemeral storage limit is violated at the slice level.
24SliceCPURequestViolatedWARNINGThe CPU request is violated at the slice level.
25SliceMemoryRequestViolatedWARNINGThe memory request is violated at the slice level.
26SliceEphemeralStorageRequestViolatedWARNINGThe ephemeral storage request is violated at the slice level.
27WorkerSliceResourceQuotaCreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice resource quota creation has failed.
28WorkerSliceResourceQuotaCreatedNORMALThe worker slice resource quota has been created.
29WorkerSliceResourceQuotaUpdateFailedWARNINGThe worker slice resource quota update has failed.
30WorkerSliceResourceQuotaUpdatedNORMALThe worker slice resource quota has been updated.
31WorkerSliceResourceQuotaDeletionFailedWARNINGThe worker slice resource quota deletion has failed.
32WorkerSliceResourceQuotaDeletedWARNINGThe worker slice resource quota has been deleted.


These events are related to the worker objects of the slice role assignment. A worker object is automatically generated after the slice role assignment.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1WorkerSliceRoleBindingReconciliationSuccessNORMALThe reconciliation of the worker slice role assignment is successful due to the change in slice role template.
2WorkerSliceRoleBindingDeletedForcefullyWARNINGThe worker slice role assignment has been deleted forcefully.
3WorkerSliceRoleBindingRecreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice role assignment recreation has failed.
4WorkerSliceRoleBindingRecreatedNORMALThe worker slice role assignment has been recreated after forceful deletion.
5WorkerSliceRoleBindingCreationFailedWARNINGThe worker slice role assignment creation has failed.
6WorkerSliceRoleBindingCreatedNORMALThe worker slice role assignment has been created successfully.
7WorkerSliceRoleBindingUpdateFailedWARNINGThe worker slice role assignment update has failed.
8WorkerSliceRoleBindingUpdatedNORMALThe worker slice role assignment has been updated successfully.
9WorkerSliceRoleBindingDeletionFailedWARNINGThe worker slice role assignment deletion has failed.
10WorkerSliceRoleBindingDeletedWARNINGThe worker slice role assignment has been deleted successfully.

Disable the KubeSlice Controller Events

You can disable all the KubeSlice Controller events or a few of them.

Disable All the KubeSlice Controller Events

If you want to disable all the events, then edit the KubeSlice Controller configuration file and set the following configuration for events.

disabled: true

After changing the configuration, use the following command to update the KubeSlice Controller:

helm upgrade kubeslice-controller kubeslice/kubeslice-controller -f <full path of the values.yaml> -n kubeslice-controller

Where values.yaml is the KubeSlice Controller configuration file.

Disable a Few KubeSlice Controller Events

If you do not want to see a KubeSlice Controller event, then you can list it under disabledEvents in the kubeslice-controller-event-schema-conf file that is located in the kubeslice-controller namespace.

For example, if you do not want to see the WorkerSliceConfigCreated event, then go to the kubeslice-controller-event-schema-conf file using the following command:

kubectl edit cm kubeslice-controller-event-schema-conf -n kubeslice-controller

In the kubeslice-controller-event-schema-conf file, add the WorkerSliceConfigCreated event that you want to hide under disabledEvents as illustrated below.

# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
# reopened with the relevant failures.
apiVersion: v1
controller.yaml: |-
- WorkerSliceConfigCreated
kind: ConfigMap
annotations: kubeslice-controller kubeslice-controller
creationTimestamp: "2023-04-10T07:32:57Z"
labels: Helm
name: event-schema
name: kubeslice-controller-event-schema-conf
namespace: kubeslice-controller
resourceVersion: "201971"
uid: 6cbcaba7-08b8-4d2e-b880-7516f594950f

Save the file after adding the events that you want to disable.