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Version: 1.4.0

Slice Operator Events

The Slice Operator generates events that are specific to KubeSlice operations, representing various operations on the worker cluster. These events are logged in the kubeslice-system namespace.

To retrieve the Worker Operator events, use the following command:

kubectl get events -n kubeslice-system


These events are related to slice creation and management.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1SliceCreatedNORMALThe slice has been created.
2SliceUpdatedNORMALThe slice has been updated.
3SliceDeletedWARNINGThe slice has been deleted.
4SliceCreationFailedWARNINGThe slice creation has failed. Please check the slice configuration.
5SliceUpdateFailedWARNINGThe slice update has failed. Please check the slice configuration.
6SliceDeletionFailedWARNINGThe slice deletion has failed. Please check the slice configuration.
7SliceQoSProfileWithNetOpsSyncFailedWARNINGThe slice QoS profile sync with NetOp has failed. Please ask the admin to check the Slice QoS Profile.
8SliceIngressInstallFailedWARNINGThe slice ingress installation has failed.
9SliceEgressInstallFailedWARNINGThe slice egress installation has failed.
10SliceAppPodsListUpdateFailedWARNINGThe slice application pods list is not updated. Please ask the admin to check slice configuration.
11SliceRouterDeploymentFailedWARNINGThe slice router deployment has failed.
12SliceRouterServiceFailedWARNINGThe slice router service has failed.


These events are related to the worker cluster health and node IP.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1ClusterHealthyNORMALThe cluster is in a healthy state.
1ClusterUnhealthyWARNINGThe cluster is in an unhealthy state. Please check if all worker components are running as expected.
3ClusterNodeIpAutoDetectedNORMALThe auto-detection of the cluster node IP address was successful due to changes detected in the worker nodes.
4ClusterNodeIpAutoDetectionFailedWARNINGThe auto-detection of the cluster node IP address has failed.
5ClusterProviderUpdateInfoSuccesfullNORMALThe cluster cloud provider or physical location info has been updated.
6ClusterProviderUpdateInfoFailedWARNINGThe cluster cloud provider or physical location info update has failed.
7ClusterCNISubnetUpdateSuccessfullNORMALThe cluster CNI subnet has been updated.
8ClusterCNISubnetUpdateFailedWARNINGThe cluster cloud provider or physical location info update has failed.
9ClusterDashboardCredsUpdatedNORMALThe cluster dashboard credentials have been updated.
10ClusterDashboardCredsUpdateFailedWARNINGThe cluster dashboard credentials update has failed.
11ClusterHealthStatusUpdatedNORMALThe cluster health status has been updated.
12ClusterHealthStatusUpdateFailedWARNINGThe cluster health status update has failed.


These events are related to the Slice Gateway that is used to communicate between worker clusters.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1SliceGWCreatedNORMALThe Slice Gateway has been created.
2SliceGWUpdatedNORMALThe Slice Gateway has been updated.
3SliceGWDeletedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway has been deleted.
4SliceGWCreateFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway creation has failed.
5SliceGWUpdateFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway update has failed.
6SliceGWDeleteFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway deletion has failed.
7SliceGWPodReconcileFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway pod reconciliation has failed.
8SliceGWConnectionContextFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway connection context has failed.
9SliceRouterConnectionContextFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway router context has failed.
10SliceNetopQoSSyncFailedWARNINGThe Slice Netop and QoS profile sync has failed.
11SliceGWRebalancingFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway rebalancing has failed.
12SliceGWRemotePodSyncFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway remote pod sync has failed.
13SliceGWRebalancingSuccessNORMALThe Slice Gateway rebalancing is successful.
14SliceGWServiceCreationFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway service creation has failed.
15SliceGWNodePortUpdateFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway node port update has failed.


These events are related to service export of a worker cluster.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1ServiceExportSliceFetchFailedWARNINGThe slice service export's slice fetch has failed.
2ServiceExportStatusPendingWARNINGThe slice service export status has been pending.
3ServiceExportInitialStatusUpdatedNORMALThe slice service export's initial status has been updated.
4SliceServiceExportInitialStatusUpdateFailedWARNINGThe slice service export's initial status has failed.
5ServiceExportDeletedWARNINGThe slice service export has been deleted.
6ServiceExportDeleteFailedWARNINGThe slice service export deletion has failed.
7ServiceExportUpdatePortsFailedWARNINGThe update of the slice service export's ports has failed.
8IngressGWPodReconciledSuccessfullyNORMALThe slice service export's gateway pod has been reconciled.
9IngressGWPodReconcileFailedWARNINGThe slice service export gateway pod reconciliation has failed.
10SyncServiceExportStatusFailedWARNINGThe slice service export status sync has failed.
11SyncServiceExportStatusSuccessfullyNORMALThe slice service export status has been synced.


These events are related to service import of a worker cluster.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1SliceServiceImportCreatedNORMALThe slice service import has been created.
2SliceServiceImportCreateFailedWARNINGThe slice service import creation has failed.
3SliceServiceImportUpdateAvailableEndpointsFailedWARNINGThe slice service import available endpoints update has failed.
4SliceServiceImportDeletedWARNINGThe slice service import has been deleted.
5SliceServiceImportUpdatePortsNORMALThe slice service import's ports have been updated.


These events are related to the worker objects of a slice. A worker object is automatically generated after slice creation. A worker object is created for every worker cluster connected to a slice.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1WorkerSliceConfigCreatedNORMALThe worker slice configuration has been created.
2WorkerSliceConfigCreateFailedWARNINGThe worker slice configuration creation has failed.
3WorkerSliceConfigUpdatedNORMALThe worker slice configuration has been updated.
4WorkerSliceHealthUpdatedNORMALThe worker slice health has been updated.
5WorkerSliceHealthUpdateFailedWARNINGThe worker slice health update has failed.


These events are related to the worker objects of service import of a worker cluster.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1WorkerServiceImportCreatedNORMALThe worker service import has been created.
2WorkerServiceImportCreateFailedWARNINGThe worker service import creation has failed.


These events are related to the WorkerSliceGWRecycler, which is an object used for recycling gateways using a finite-state machine.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1FSMNewGWSpawnedNORMALThe Slice Gateway Recycler's new gateway has been spawned.
2FSMRoutingTableUpdatedNORMALThe Slice Gateway Recycler's routing table has been updated.
3FSMDeleteOldGWWARNINGThe Slice Gateway Recycler's old gateway has been deleted.
4FSMNewGWSpawnFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway Recycler's new gateway has failed to spawn.
5FSMRoutingTableUpdateFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway Recycler's routing table update has failed.
6FSMDeleteOldGWFailedWARNINGThe Slice Gateway Recycler's old gateway deletion has failed.


These events are related to the namespace events of the worker cluster.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1UpdatedNamespaceInfoToControllerNORMALThe namespace information has been updated to the KubeSlice Controller.
2UpdateNamespaceInfoToControllerFailedWARNINGThe namespace information update to the KubeSlice Controller has failed.
3DeleteNamespaceInfoToControllerNORMALThe namespace information has been deleted from the KubeSlice Controller.
4DeleteNamespaceInfoToControllerFailedWARNINGThe namespace information could not be deleted from the KubeSlice Controller.


These events are related to the slice network policy.

Sl. NoEventTypeDescription
1NetPolAddedNORMALThe slice network policy is added.
2NetPolScopeWidenedNamespaceWARNINGThe slice network policy scope has been widened due to namespace violation.
3NetPolScopeWidenedIPBlockWARNINGThe slice network policy scope has been widened due to IP address block violation.
4NetPolViolationWARNINGThe slice network policy has been violated. Please ask the admin to check the network policy configuration on the worker cluster.

Disable the Worker Operator Events

You can disable all the Worker Operator events or a few of them.

Disable All the Worker Operator Events

If you want to disable all the events, then edit the Worker Operator configuration file and set the following configuration for events.

disabled: true

After changing the configuration, use the following command to update the Worker Operator:

helm upgrade kubeslice-worker kubeslice/kubeslice-worker -f <full path of the values.yaml> -n kubeslice-system

Where values.yaml is the Worker Operator configuration file.

Disable a Few Worker Operator Events

If you do not want to see a Worker Operator event, then you can list it under disabledEvents in the kubeslice-worker-event-schema-conf file that is located in the kubeslice-system namespace.

For example, if you don't want to see the SliceGWUpdated event, then go to the kubeslice-worker-event-schema-conf file using the following command:

kubectl edit cm kubeslice-worker-event-schema-conf -n kubeslice-system

In the kubeslice-worker-event-schema-conf file, add the SliceGWUpdated event that you want to hide under disabledEvents as illustrated below.

# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
# reopened with the relevant failures.
apiVersion: v1
worker.yaml: |-
- SliceGWUpdated
kind: ConfigMap
annotations: kubeslice-worker kubeslice-system
creationTimestamp: "2023-05-08T12:06:33Z"
labels: Helm
name: event-schema
name: kubeslice-worker-event-schema-conf
namespace: kubeslice-system
resourceVersion: "163809"
uid: 0d0a88c2-b856-460e-bda3-ec443917ca44

Save the file after adding the events that you want to disable.